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AERADE is an initiative developed by Cranfield University to enable aerospace and defence experts to find quality, relevant information on the Internet. The service is a joint venture between subject specialists within the information and library services at Cranfield campus (Aerospace) and Shrivenham campus (Defence). This website archives hundreds of technical reports written in Great Britain and the United States about subjects related to aerospace development, particularly those affecting the air forces of the two countries. A section entitled Aerospace and Defence Resources provides links to websites in the two countries on defence subjects and military intelligence.
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Physics and Astronomy; Engineering
Provides citations and abstracts of basic and applied research in aeronautics, astronautics, and space sciences; in addition to journal literature, the database also includes coverage of reports issued by NASA and other U.S. government agencies. Major areas of coverage include aerodynamics; aircraft design and instrumentation; chemistry and chemical engineering; communications and navigation; electronics and electrical engineering; energy production and conversion; environmental pollution; fluid mechanics and heat transfer; geophysics and earth resources; lasers and masers; life sciences; materials; mathematical and computer sciences; mechanical engineering; meteorology, climatology, and oceanography; physics (solid state, thermodynamics, atomic and molecular, nuclear and high-energy, optics, acoustics, plasmas); propellants and fuels; quality assurance and reliability; social sciences; space sciences; spacecraft design and systems engineering; structural mechanics.
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The AES Electronic library contains most of the Journal technical articles, convention preprints, and conference papers published by the AES (Audio Engineering Society) since its inception through the year 2001. Over 10,000 papers and articles are stored in PDF format. The navigational features of this Electronic Library are displayed in HTML format, and permit full-text and field searching.
Corporate Author:
Audio Engineering Society.
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The AIAA Electronic Library contains more than four decades of technical information and documents on aerospace technology, engineering, science and the most important developments and research in air and space history. Searchable through the AIAA Electronic Library are: all the meeting papers from all the AIAA conference proceedings from 1963 onwards, AIAA jourrnals contents and the IAC Archive.
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Earth Sciences; Engineering
Allows subscribers to explore, search and view more than 11,000 binary and ternary phase diagrams and associated phase data for more than 2400 systems from their Web browsers.
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Biology; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Engineering; Medicine
"Items in Analytical Abstracts fall into three main categories: Journal articles, technical reports, and books. More than 250 key international journals are scanned regularly by the Analytical Abstracts editorial team. Over 75% of the original material is published in English, with other major languages being French and German, Russian and other eastern European languages, Chinese, and Japanese. Abstracting from non-English-language sources is performed by a panel of chemists with language skills. A small number of other secondary sources are scanned, in order to find items published in more obscure journals or in the non-chemistry literature, for example, environmental, pharmaceutical or geological publications." Inclusive dates: 1980-present.
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A comprehensive online tool for locating articles of interest across all disciplines of civil engineering. The Research Library includes ASCE conference proceedings beginning in 1998, and all 30 ASCE journal and periodical volumes published since 1995.
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Engineering; Earth Sciences
The Alloy Center enables searching in one easy step across materials property data, performance charts, and processing guidelines for specific metals and alloys. The Alloy finder features alloy designations and trade names from around the world and includes information on composition, producer, tensile properties and similar alloys. The Materials property data features mechanical properties, physical properties and processing characteristics for most industrial alloys. Coatings data features information on commerical coating processing. Corrosion data features information on corrosion of specific alloys in specific environments. Data sheets & diagrams feature material data sheets from Alloy digest, Heat treater's guides, and other publications. Data for time-temperature curves, creep curves and fatigue curves from ASM atlas publications is also included.
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''Electronic edition of nearly every ASTM book, paper, or chapter from nearly every piece of work published by ASTM. The new ASTM Digital Library provides over 30,000 papers and chapters and more than 400,000 pages of information in a self-service environment where you can download as much or as little as you need."--ASTM home page.
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ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca + 8 more sources
Environmental Studies; Medicine; Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Presents a collection of databases related to occupational health and safety. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide physical and safety data on chemicals manufactured or sold in North America. CHEMINFO provides safety information for important workplace chemicals. CHEMpendium compiles chemical hazard information from a variety of sources. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS) contains citations to the literature for thousands of chemical substances. OSH References is an index to journal articles and other literature related to occupational health and safety. Canadian enviroOSH indexes Canadian national, provincial, and territorial environmental and occupational safety legislation and standards. Several additional free resources are available through the CCOHS Web Information Service.
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Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Toxicology and Chemical Safety; Biology
Chemgold III is a complete OHS management tool, enabling the user to manage local and vendor SDSs, create manifests, perform risk assessments, and includes regulatory data, environment modelling and animal and eco-toxicity. Includes Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), documents which provide chemical and safety information about hazardous substances. All chemical manufacturers and importers are required to develop an MSDS for each chemical they produce or import. Because MSDSs are prepared by a variety of manufacturers and importers, the information in each document may vary in both form and content.
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Engineering; Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences
Collection of materials properties databases for thermal, mechanical, electrical, physical and other properties of various materials including aerospace alloys. The Microelectronics Packaging Materials Database (MPMD) contains data on thermal, mechanical, electrical and physical properties of electronics packaging materials. The Thermophysical properties of matter database (TPMD), contains thermophysical properties of over 5,000 materials with approximately 50,000 data curves). The Aerospace Structural Metals Database (ASMD) contains approximately 80,000 data curves on over 200 alloys used in the aerospace and other industries.
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General and Reference Works; Science (General); Engineering; Computer Science
A scientific literature digital library and search engine that focuses primarily on the literature in computer and information science. CiteSeerX aims to improve the dissemination of scientific literature and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness in the access of scientific and scholarly knowledge
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Engineering; Science (General); General and Reference Works
Conference papers index (Online)
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General and Reference Works; Environmental Studies; Science (General); Physics and Astronomy; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Earth Sciences; Biology; Medicine; Engineering
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Art, Architecture and Design; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Engineering
Searchable encyclopedia containing chemical, physical, visual, and analytical information on more than 10,000 historic and contemporary materials used in the conservation, preservation, and production of artistic, architectural, and archaeological materials. Includes more than 6000 images, including photos and drawings of materials' outward appearance, as well as analytical image records of microscopic and spectroscopic characteristics. Also contains links to commercial records, Material Safety Data Sheets, and to conservation organizations across the world.
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Engineering; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Index opens the power of patent searching to all levels of an organisation. It offers an unrivalled breadth of coverage by combining value-added patent records from Derwent World Patents Index with patent citation information from Patents Citation Index. This unique merged data set, comprising 14.3 million inventions from 41 worldwide patent-issuing authorities, is accessed through an intuitive web interface. You can browse easily between patent records without using a complicated search language, and explore related ideas using citation links.
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Engineering; Art, Architecture and Design
International index to over 130,000 annotated references from more than 500 design and craft journals and newspapers published from 1973 onwards, and data on over 50,000 designers, craftspeople, studios, workshops and firms. DAAI also includes two supplementary databases: Education Directory, an international directory of universities and colleges that offer courses in design and craft subjects and the Periodical Directory, an international directory of design and craft journals. Research articles are covered, along with topical news items, conference and seminar reports, and book, video and exhibition reviews. Major areas of coverage include: Product design, Interior design, Graphic design, Ceramics, Glass, Jewellery, Textiles, Furniture, Fashion and clothing, Illustration, Typography and type design, Metalsmithing, Retail design, Architecture, Industrial design, Sustainability, Advertising, Packaging, Theatre, Vehicles, Exhibitions, Book design, Web design, Computer aided design, Computer graphics, Animation, Garden design, Landscape architecture, Urban design, Education, Design management, Inclusive design, Universal design, Design history.
Design and applied arts index (Online)
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Agriculture, Forestry, and Wildlife; Art, Architecture and Design; Biology; Economics and Business; Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Environmental Studies; Earth Sciences; News; Medicine; History; Anthropology and Archaeology; Language; Law; Political Science; Mathematical Sciences; Statistical and Numeric Data; Philosophy; Religious Studies; Physics and Astronomy; Science (General); Social Sciences (General); Engineering; History of Science and Technology
Covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals. Aims to cover all subjects and languages.
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purl.access.gpo.gov + 1 more source
Engineering; Government Information: United States
Site provides free, convenient, and quick access to full-text DOE research and development in physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental cleanup, energy technologies, and other topics; includes the full-text and bibliographic records of DOE-sponsored report literature produced by the DOE and DOE contractor research and development community.

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